
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor...

And boy do we love our neighbors!  My hubby and I have been blessed with some of the greatest neighbors {and neighborhood} around.  In fact, we have grown really close to the couple who lives directly across the street from us.  We have a lot in common with them {newly married, same age, just bought their house a couple months before us, are in the process of fixing up their 1950’s rancher, etc.} and they are a ton of fun to hang out with.

You might be wondering why I’m talking about my neighbors since my last post spoke about how my parents were visiting for my birthday weekend, and we had a ton of work to get done on the outside of our house.  Well the answer to that is simple.  Not only was our house on our “to-do” list…but so was our neighbors'.  {Yup, that’s parents’ UH-mazing generosity extends to our neighbors as well.} 

You see, their house was due for a paint job.  The dingy white just wasn’t cutting it anymore.  When we heard them talking about painting their place, my parent’s offered up our services immediately.  {Remember how ugly our house was before we attacked it with some paint?!?!}  The six of us could get the job completed MUCH faster than the two of them getting to it when they found the time during the week.  So bright and early on Saturday morning, me, Pete and my parents headed down our front yard to get to work with our neighbors. 

By the time I got outside, their house looked like this {sorry, I don’t have a true “before”}…

…and by 3:30 in the afternoon, it was double-coated and looked like this...

{View from our front door.}

{Again..a little closer.}

{View from their driveway.  Ummm, yea my Dad was on a large ladder doing the peaks.}

{View from their backyard.  Again, my Dad and his long reach took care of the peaks.}

Not too shabby for a days worth of work!  The new color adds so much warmth to their home...and I even think it makes the place appear larger.  They still need to paint their door an accent color {in the cranberry family} and hang their black shutters...but considering how dramatic the change is already, I can’t wait to see what it looks like with everything in place! :)

Anyone else take on a daunting task with the help of some loved ones?!?! 

P.S. - Three years ago, today, my best friend asked me to marry him. <3  Here are some pictures captured during the proposal.  {Please don't judge my yoga pants and hoodie...clearly, I had NO idea it was coming, or I would have dressed for the occasion. ;)}


  1. That is an amazing transformation! You'll have to do the final update with the door and shutters.

    Love the proposal shots!

    1. Yes, I definitely will do an update with the final touches!

      Thank you! :)

  2. It looks really good! We're lucky to have a great neighbor as well - I looked outside yesterday and he was cutting my grass!

    Your proposal shots are adorable. Who was hiding in the bushes to take those pictures? Haha!

    1. That's awesome! Aren't great neighbors the best?!?!

      Thanks!! :) His mom was hiding out taking pictures.

  3. My parents sound like yours. We are so lucky! This weekend my dad and I will be ripping the roof off my garage and prepping it for a new one.

    1. Yes, we definitely are so very lucky! Wow, that's quite the project! Thank gosh for our awesome families! :)

  4. Their house is looking so good! You guys are awesome neighbors!

    And you guys are so cute! Love the engagement pictures!

  5. So awesome that you have pics of the proposal! Wish we had some young-ish neighbors around us - sounds so fun.

    1. It definitely is so fun! I can't believe we got so lucky!

  6. i think i need some neighbors like you guys!! and what a sweet story :)!

  7. You guys are the best neighbours around! The beige colour really warms the house up! I hope you post pictures when they have the shutters on and the door painted!
    Then pictures of the proposal are super sweet!

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Diana! I definitely will do an update when they get the shutters and door done! :)

  8. Yay for neighbors and parents! I wish we had neighbors more like us to hang out with, but I do have a neighbor that mows my yard for me so I can't complain at all!

    The house looks amazing and that is so nice of your parents to help with. The cranberry is such a good idea.

    p/s: i got your email. i'm excited!!!

    1. Young, fun neighbors definitely rock, but ones who mow your yard aren't too shabby at all!

      Yay! ;)

  9. I love the transformation on their house so far!! It does look bigger too :) I love the engagement two are so cute!!

  10. AWWW!! Those engagement shots are wonderful. What memories!

    And seriously.. your neighbors lucked out the day you guys moved in! Your parents sound like they're really amazing people!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I love having those pictures to take us back to that day!

      Aww, you are too sweet! :)


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