
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Debris Be Gone!!

Remember this deliciousness?  {Yes, I still swoon over my hubby…thankyouverymuch!}  Here is a quick recap where we were over Memorial Day weekend.

Well after all that destruction went down, the hubby and I had a lot of clean up to look forward to.  I’m not sure who was dreading it more…me, who knew I wouldn’t be able to handle major wheelbarrow loads, and therefore wouldn’t be as helpful/quick/handy as my better half, or hubby, who knew he’d be taking on the brunt of this heavy lifting.

Lucky for us, we have fan-freakin-tastic neighbors {yup, the ones whose house we painted}, and the hubby volunteered to help us clear away our debris.  {Picture the clouds parting and the sun shining through...hallelujah!} 

We started the process on Saturday morning.  The boys used our two wheelbarrows and loaded up the concrete piles we made last week on demo day.  They made trips back and forth to the dump site until everything was gone.  Clearly, I am not as strong as them so I concentrated my efforts where I would be most helpful.  I cleared the area of all the flagstone that made up the old patio.  The prettiest pieces, I carried to the other side of our house to continue a path we started a while ago.  The remaining bagillion pieces I stacked up in the corner of the yard so the boys could easily load and dispose of them after all the concrete was gone.  {Don’t worry, I kept a handful of slates in case we need them in the future.}

By the time all the flagstone was up, the boys were almost done with the concrete.  I NEVER, EVER, EVER would have thought clearing our disaster area {aka backyard} would only take us a handful of hours, but when you have two strong guys working together, things go MUCH more quickly! :)

Here is what the area looks like now...after my hubby weed-whacked all of our rogue plants growing in the area.

Now it’s time to impatiently wait for the rain to stop, so our concrete guy can get back on schedule and come give us the hardscaping of our dreams!!


  1. How exciting! I can't wait to see the new patio. You guys are really cruising through these outdoor projects!

    1. Me neither...we are so excited for our backyard to take shape (although most of it won't come for quite some time hehe)!

  2. Good job! Lucky you for having handy neighbors. My husband would have probably made me do it... ha! Can't wait to see the new patio!

    1. Thanks! I know, we are so blessed to have such great neighbors!! If my hubby had me do it, it'd take a longggggggg time because I'd be able to wheel about 1/8 of what he could hahaha!

  3. yay for strong men! ;) You guys knocked that out so fast! It's gonna look so good back there!

    1. That's for darn sure! I swear, I never would have thought it'd be done so fast...but having two sets of muscles TOTALLY helped out! :)

  4. Wow! Looking good! Full speed ahead at your place! Good for you guys!

  5. Looking great!! So glad it went easier than you thought it would- that's always a nice change from the other way around! Cant wait to see the new patio!!

    1. Definitely! It was a good kind of surprise haha. Can't wait to share it with you guys! :)

  6. Can't believe you guys already cleared out everything! WTG! I guess thats what happens when you have a muscle man :)

    1. I know...I'm truly shocked!! Thank gosh for the men in my life!!

  7. MUSCLES! It's looking great. You guys have to be so excited!!

    1. Thanks Emily! Yea, we really are. It feels almost surreal!

  8. Wheeeee!! I can't wait to see your new spiffy space!

    PS - Is it acceptable to swoon over someone else's hubby? If it's not, then I totally didn't accidentally swoon over his muscles.... ;)

    1. I can't wait to share it!!

      Of course! You can swoon whenever you like. :)

  9. You two are amazing! It already looks so much better just with the old stuff gone!! I can't wait to see it finished :)

  10. Aw, thanks so much Lindsay! We thought the same was so much improved with all that stuff just out of the yard!


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