Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pattern Play...Blogger Challenge

When Chelsea from Pinterior Designer contacted me about taking part in a "pattern" blogger challenge for the month of February, I couldn't have said yes fast enough!

I love using pattern in design, especially in the form of fabric.  It helps to add interest to a space without committing major time or dollars, and it often acts as the "thing" that ties a space together.

This year {actually, this happens every year}, after we removed all of our holiday decor, I was craving a clean and de-cluttered space.  I wanted to keep accessories to a minimum and have our great room feel clean and calming.  Aside from the gray, blues and gold that are always present in the room, I wanted to add pops of black and white throughout the space.

To get the B&W pop on our console table, I knew I could add a great fabric instead of relying on accessories with more visual weight.  I already had great striped pillow covers from H&M on our couch, so I went for a small spotted fabric that would tie in nicely.

I started by pinning the long sides {probably should have ironed the fabric first, but I was l-a-z-y}...

Then I sewed, removing the pins as I went along...

Then I pinned the short sides...

Sewed one last time, and done-zo {well after I finally ironed it}!

I love the way the small spots make a quiet statement and play nicely with the bold patterned tray I added on top.

Using fabric on the tables in our home has become the norm for me, and I like that it allows me to add another layer of color or pattern without a lot of effort.  Plus, it helps protect my painted furniture too!  Who doesn't love a piece that pulls double-duty?!

Now head on over to the other fabulous ladies who accepted the Pattern Play Challenge this month, and let me know what your favorite project is! :)

Image Map
Image Map

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Real Star of the Blog...

Those of you who follow me on Instagram {@retroranchreno} know who the real star of this blog is.  Yup, I'm talking about this guy...


If you want to know more about him, and see more of that furry face, head over to Julia's blog, Cuckoo 4 Design.  She started an amazing series a few weeks ago, and I'm so honored to be guest posting for it!

Happy Friday, everyone! :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Version of Valentine's Crafting...

The people closest to me know that I love to switch up our home decor quite often.  I use different seasons and holidays as my excuse to swap patterns, colors and textures in and out of our space all year long.  But shockingly, that doesn't mean I go all out for every holiday on the calendar.  One of the holidays I've never decorated for is Valentine's Day.  And while I'm still not going all out...thanks to a super sweet invite to a blog hop full of talented ladies, I've decided to try my hand at a little Valentine's Day crafting! :)


For my project, I wanted to make some art to add a little "love" to our mantel.  I went shopping in my crap craft room {one of the few times I've been thankful for my hoarded stash taking up an entire room} and gathered my supplies: empty frames, cardstock, a heart-shaped lever punch, glue, ruler and x-acto knife.

I know my color scheme doesn't scream Valentine's Day, but it fits perfectly in our home and I wanted to prove to myself I could make something Valentine's-ish without using pink and red.

I started by cutting out my backgrounds.  I used the filler paper that came with the frames as templates, and cut clean lines with my ruler and x-acto knife. {Please ignore my much-in-need-of-a-manicure-nails.}

Then I started punching holes...errrr, hearts.

I lined things up as I punched along so I could get an idea of how many I'd need.

When I had enough hearts cut out, I laid everything into place.  Then I got out the trusty Elmer's to glue each heart down, one by one.  

The key is to not put a ton of glue on the back...just a dab.  And since you have the grid already laid out, you can slide the hearts around until the placement looks right.  I didn't measure anything for this project.  In fact, that was my requirement.  I didn't want to measure anything! ;)

After the first grid was done, I decided to use my next frame to write out an X and O.  Again, I just eyeballed the placement, and glued after I laid everything in place.

Once the glue dried, it was time to pop them into their frames, and voilà!  Instant Valentine's Day art for our mantel! :)

Now, before you go, please make sure you enter to win a $140 Target gift card and check out the 13 other amazing Valentine's Day projects!!  You won't want to miss any of them! :)

Target gift card giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway Valentine's Day Projects 1
Valentine's Day Projects 4
Valentine's Day Projects 2
Valentine's Day Projects3